Good Note: Being able to generate income starting with nothing. Putting you plan into action time and time again is you success.
Bad Note: Identifying the right partnerships and realizing every client might not be the right fit.
About your Band: Having the band be a true representation of yourself. By being honest and open it will translate into your buisness.
Jam Room: While working with his mentor “ Where did you have the most success when you were younger. “ was the question that put things into perspective. That being outside & the kitchen table. Later to then create an at home office facing the window over looking the pool outside.
Instrument of Choice: Using a CRM (Customer relationship management) you can set up tasks for yourself or assign them to one of your team members. Setting up reminders and reocurring tasks.
I come from humble beginnings, from a low socio-economic area of western Sydney. I struggled with a violent domestic violence household as a young boy and was beaten more times than I can remember along with always being told I was nothing. This has been my gift to never ever be that way, rather shine and project my gift of bringing the best out in people and positive energy onto them.
No matter how hard it’s been or what obstacles I face there is always light amongst the darkness. All of my defeats and wins have played the part to get me to where I am today and I don’t plan on slowing down anytime soon. Dive deep into as many experiences as you can as that’s where I have found the most success in all of its forms, bad and good. My time in the military was one of those experiences and somewhat shaped an integral part of my work ethic and core ethical values. taking risks as scary as they may seem is where I have grown both in business and in my personal life.
I believe in always being true to yourself and known is n charge of your happiness but you. I believe in taking full responsibility for my actions and learning from them. Put yourself in challenging situations. My fitness has helped me in my career in more ways than I could ever imagine. This has helped me to start a company true to my vision. Always stayed driven and done whatever it takes to reach my dreams of becoming financially free which will allow me to start a non for profit and give back to the cause of domestic violence. My company is a true reflection of myself and the way I walk through life. Never give up, push through the pain and never be afraid to ask for help.