Joe Bernstein is an expert in creation and destruction. He is a coach and the owner of Drop the Armor Wellness. After spend the first 30 years of his life obese and disempowered, Joe lost 160 lbs and has kept it off. His process of external transformation was lead by internal transformation, not diets or intense exercise. After healing his own obesity, anxiety, body image issues, fear based thinking, dysfunction in relationship and sexual disempowerment, Joe set out on a mission to devoting his life to helping people understand that who you are today does not have to be who you are in the future.
In his coaching practice Joe helps you understand the process of transformation and how to stick with it through triumphs and challenges. Clients work with Joe to do anything from losing weight, to having more sex, to training for 600 mile bike races, to creating amazing transitions in career and relationship. Whatever obstacles you are facing in life Joe will help you Drop the Armor and create a pathway to overcoming them. Even his clients who have created an amazing life have desires that are unmet and Joe helps them do what it takes to become the creator of what they deserve.
So you know that one thing that you have always thought you could never change about who you are? Or that one thing that you have always wanted but you believe is impossible within the context of your life? Joe knows that destroying the old way of being or creating the new way is not only possible, but it is your calling in life to evolve and grow in that way. He helps you see what is possible and walks along the path with you for the entire journey.