Good Note: Being a health care chiropractor by trade he never felt fulfilled with his own lifestyle. He said he must change something and then released his first small program to show people how to get more clients. Then immediately realized he was undervaluing himself.
Bad Note: When things are not going well, try and change it with hindsight. Rather than making the solution complex. Simple businesses scale, complex business fail.
Bandmates: You can go fast when you’re alone and go far when you have a team. The most important hires that James did were all personal positions such as a maid & child care to get his time focused.
Getting Fans: Ask yourself what is your sales journey to get these clients.
In 2019, James launched an online program to help healthcare practice owners to fill theirpractices with their ideal clients so they can generate more revenue and impact morepeople. With eight months he grew it to 7 figures – fast forward to now without hundredsof healthcare practice owners all over the world and in dozens of industries to transitionfrom underpaid practitioner to well-paid business owner where they have control overtheir business and the freedom to have the lifestyle they want because of it.
There are a lot of wonderful and skilled health professionals and practice owners who aregreat at getting results for their patients but don’t have the same ability to reach andattract these patients into their practices because they are often not the entrepreneurialor business types. They are health professionals at heart and so they are stuck relying onreferrals from other providers, spending all hours networking, hustling at health fares andbeing overwhelmed with all the social media and online platforms, and getting taken for aride by marketing gurus and agencies. James wanted to disrupt the allied healthcareindustry by taking the power back from the marketing gurus and agencies and give itback to the health professionals and practice owners and show them how they can havecontrol over their success the big message is that you can have a successful practiceand not have to be a marketing or business genius.