In 1994, Scott recognized the beginning of the computer age, taught himself how to use one, and by 1996, Scott was travelling across the country teaching business people how to use their computers.
One of the world's top Internet Marketing companies approached Scott about joining them. Within 6 months, he was leading a team of 25 Mentors. Some of Scott's clients doubled their income while working with him. Others took sites that were making very little and grew their sales into $10,000, $20,000 and even $40,000 a month.
Within a year, he was featured in their Blogging for Dollars DVD as Scott traveled all over the world speaking in front of hundreds of entrepreneurs about blogging and podcasting to standing ovations.
After two years, Scott set out on his own to speak to anyone who would listen about the power of podcasting and write pulse-pounding, wallet-ripping sales copy.
His Weight Loss and the Mind Podcast grew to over 9,000 subscribers in the first four months and now reaches over 370,000 subscribers annually with over 750 thousand downloads.
His 'Mind Mastery Podcast" with Dov Baron reaches over 30 thousand people in over 52 countries with over one million downloads. His Internet Marketing podcast reaches over 10,000 listeners every month. His alternative health podcast, "Life Enthusiast Online Radio Show", reaches 50,000 subscribers with over 750,000 downloads. He shares how to duplicate his success in his video course, Power Podcasting.